EAJA Awards

Agency Agency subcomponent Name Award date Award amount Awardees Claims description Finding basis Actions
U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service Western Watersheds Project, Sierra Club, Wyoming Wildlife Advocates and Gallatin Wildlife Association
$ 160,000
Nathan D. Rectanus, Matthew R. Arnold and William S. Eubanks, II 1) Claims the Forest Service refusal to examine any alternatives contemplating a phase out of artificial feeding at Alkali Creek shifted the Forest Service's obligations under NEPA to consider less environmentally harmful alternatives, 2) Claims the Forest Service failed to take a "hard look" at the environmental impacts of its decision by inappropriately deferring to Wyoming Game and Fish Commission's assessment of the threats associated with CWD and the need for artificial feeding of elk, and 3) Claims the Forest Service arbitrarily constrained its review of cumulative impacts by refusing to examine Alkali Creek in conjunction with other feed grounds in the Forest, or with efforts by NPS and FWS to phase out artificial feeding on the NER through its 2007 BEMP. On 9/21/2021, the District Court of Wyoming issued an order stating that the Forest Service violated NEPA in authorizing the five-year special use permit for the Alkali Creek feed ground under a categorical exclusion. Show
U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service Native Ecosystems Council, Alliance for the Wild Rockies
$ 122,000
Rebecca K. Smith and Timothy M. Bechtold 1) Claims the Forest Service's representations and/or omissions in the EIS regarding road density and elk habitat violate NEPA, 2) Forest Service failed to disclose the decrease in active goshawk nesting territories to the public in the EIS, and failed to comply with Forest Plan requirement to conduct an evaluation report if active nests decline by 10% in a year, and 3) Claims Forest Service's representations and/or omissions in the EIS regarding tree cutting in an Inventoried Roadless Area violate the 2001 Roadless Rule. On 4/4/2022, the District Court of Montana granted the plaintiffs' motion for Summary Judgment as to Claim 1 (all portions except illegal roads portion) and Claim 5. The project is remanded back to the Forest and enjoined pending Agency compliance with both NFMA and NEPA. Show
U.S. Department of Agriculture Null Rachel Rundquist
$ 1,000
Tully Rinckey EEOC Null Show
U.S. Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service In the Matter of Casey O. Spinks and Natural Resources Conservation Service
$ 9,687
Casey O. Spinks NAD Null Show
U.S. Department of Agriculture Food and Nutrition Service Physician’s Committee for Responsible Medicine v. USDA
$ 532
Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine FOIA Null Show
U.S. Department of Agriculture Null Cascade Forest Conservancy v. Heppler
$ 120,000
Cascade Forest Conservancy NEPA Null Show
U.S. Department of Agriculture Null WildEarth Guardians, et al. v. Bail
$ 12,000
WildEarth Guardians NEPA Null Show
U.S. Department of Agriculture Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service/Forest Service Cottonwood Environmental Law Center v. Haaland, et al.
$ 15,000
Cottonwood Environmental Law Center NEPA Null Show
U.S. Department of Agriculture Farm Service Agency Public Justice Foundation, et al. v. Farm Service Agency
$ 150,500
Public Justice Foundation FOIA Null Show
U.S. Department of Agriculture Farm Service Agency In re Brian Shramek Farms
$ 21,822
Brian Shramek Farms NAD Null Show
U.S. Department of Agriculture Rural Development Kayla Estes
$ 122,713
Kayla Estes EEOC Null Show
U.S. Department of Agriculture Null San Luis Valley Ecosystem, et al. v. Dallas, et al.
$ 3,000
San Luis Valley Ecosystem Council, San Juan Citizens Alliance, The Wilderness Society, Wildearth Guardians, & Rocky Mountain Wild via Western Environmental Law Centers IOLTA NEPA, APA Null Show
U.S. Department of Agriculture Null Idaho State Snowmobile Association v. Forest Service
$ 36,000
Idaho State Snowmobile Association NEPA, APA Null Show
U.S. Department of Agriculture Null Wildearth Guardians v. Zinke, et al.
$ 70,000
Wildearth Guardians and Grand Canyon Trust NEPA, APA Null Show
U.S. Department of Agriculture Null Save the Scenic Santa Ritas, et al. v. Forest Service, et al.
$ 650,000
Save the Scenic Santa Ritas, Arizona Mining Reform Coalition, Grand Canyon Chapter of the Sierra Club, and the Center for Biological Diversity NEPA, APA Null Show