EAJA Awards (#255333)

Planned Parenthood of Maryland, Inc., et al; 20cv00361
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Plaintiffs Planned Parenthood of Maryland, Inc.; Kirsty Hambrick; Rebecca Barson; Mariel DiDato; and Tanja Hollander
The plaintiffs challenged the Separate Billing Rule, see 84 Fed. Reg. 71,674, 71,683-95, 71,710-11 (Dec. 27, 2019), which required issuers of Qualified Health Plans (QHPs) that cover abortions for which public funding is prohibited to send each QHP policy holder two separate monthly bills—one for premiums covering those abortions and another for premiums covering all other services—and instruct the policy holder to pay the premiums through separate transactions. The plaintiffs claimed the Separate Billing Rule violated the APA insofar as they alleged it was contrary to law, citing sections 1303 and 1554 of the Affordable Care Act; arbitrary and capricious; and promulgated without observance of procedure required by law.