EAJA Awards (#255369)

Center for Biological Diversity v. BLM, FWS and U.S. Forest Service
U.S. Department of the Interior
Bureau of Land Management
Center for Biological Diversity
Plaintiffs challenged BLM’s approval of, and the U.S. Forest Service’s consent to, issuance of 36 oil and gas leases in the Wayne Nat'l Forest. They alleged various violations of NEPA and the ESA by BLM and FS, and an ESA violation by all 3 agencies (BLM, FS, FWS).
On Mar. 8, 2021, the court issued a remedy order remanding the leasing decisions to BLM for additional NEPA analysis ; and (2) the court enjoined certain oil and gas activities until the further NEPA analysis is completed.
The court rejected the ESA claims and found only NEPA violations, concluding BLM and FS had failed to adequately analyze impacts on air quality, on the Indiana bat, and on surface water resources.