EAJA Awards (#255380)

Rocky Mountain Wild, San Luis Valley Ecosystem Council, San Juan Citizens Alliance, Wilderness Work (Wolf Creek)
U.S. Department of the Interior
Fish and Wildlife Service
Travis Stills and Matthew Sandler
Plaintiffs sued the USFS and FWS for a land exhanged alleging NEPA, ESA, APA, and NFMA claims. Plaintiffs alleged a violation under ESA section 7 for the consultation on Canada lynx. The court ruled in favor of the Plaintiffs and the land exhange with the applicants was unwound. The USFS granted applicants access under ANILCA and the Plaintiffs sued again. The USFS and FWS settled the fees.
The court ruled against the USFS and FWS on ESA and NEPA claims. The US dismissed its appeal and the USFS selected a different action.