EAJA Awards (#314613)

Cascadia Wildlands et al. v. BLM
U.S. Department of the Interior
Bureau of Land Management
Charles Tebbutt
Plaintiffs alleged violations of NEPA and FLPMA in BLM's approval of the Pedal Power timber sale in the Northwest Oregon District, BLM. Plaintiffs alleged BLM did not correct deficiencies found by the court in Pedal Power I, and violated FLPMA by conducting timber harvest within the designated Recreation Management Zone (RMZ), and that BLM violated NEPA by 1) proceeding under an unreasonably narrow Purpose & Need statement, 2) failing to consider an adequate range of alternatives, 3) failing to take a hard look at wildfire risk and effects to recreation.
BLM failed to comply with the court's instructions in Pedal Power I regarding protection of the Recreation Management Zone on either side of a proposed mountain bike trail within the timber sale units.