EAJA Awards (#314616)

Dine Citizens Against Ruining the Environment v. BLM
U.S. Department of the Interior
Bureau of Land Management
Western Environmental Law Center
Plaintiffs challenge oil and gas leases. Plaintiffs argue the BLM violated NEPA by (1) failing to analyze the context and severity of the impacts of greenhouse gas emissions on climate change; (2) failing to evaluate foreseeable direct and cumulative human health impacts and prepare a Health Impact Assessment; (3) failing to analyze disproportionate effects of oil and gas lease sales on environmental justice populations; (4) failing to provide a comment period on the draft EA for the lease sale and limiting the protest period to 10 days; and (5) failing to prepare an EIS when the leases will allegedly have significant impacts to air quality, water quality and quantity, climate, public health, and environmental justice.
BLM agreed to seek voluntary remand of the challenged leasing decisions and prepare supplemental NEPA analysis