EAJA Awards (#314626)

Cottonwood Env. Law Ctr. v. Gianforte
No. 22-35976
U.S. Department of the Interior
National Park Service
John Meyer
Plaintiff challenged NPS bison management plan under NEPA. NPS decided to undergo a new NEPA process and asked for a voluntary remand. The court granted the voluntary remand. Plaintiff appealed to the Ninth Circuit and requested a deadline for the EIS. The Ninth Circuit did not impose a deadline on NPS. Plaintiff revised their fee request during briefing and asked for $183,912.09. The court denied their fee request for $183,662.83 in full (2:18-cv-00012-SEH). Plaintiff appealed the fee denial. The US settled the fee claim.
The court granted the voluntary remand on the basis that NPS was preparing additional NEPA analysis.