EAJA Awards (#255282)

Western Watersheds Project, Wildearth Guardians and Predator Defense
20-cv-00213-BLW (D. Idaho)
U.S. Department of Agriculture
Forest Service
Talasi Brooks and Lauren Rule
1) Claims wildlife predator damage management actions have no valid NEPA, 2) Wildlife services has not completed supplemental NEPA analysis and is causing irreversible and irretrievable commitments of resources, 3) Using Annual Work Plans to authorize predator damage management actions on federal lands in Idaho without conducting the necessary site-specific NEPA analysis violates NEPA, and 4) Operating Pocatello supply depot without adequate NEPA analysis violates NEPA.
After reviewing the filings and Administrative Records in the case, the parties decided to explore the possibility of resolving the case amicably and without protracted litigation. The parties requested the case be stayed to facilitate settlement discussions. The Court granted those motions in June 2021. Settlement was reached/filed in June 2022.