EAJA Awards (#213955)

Klamath Forest Alliance v. Blower et al
1:21CV00781 (D OR)
U.S. Department of Agriculture
Forest Service
Meriel L. Darzen
Violated NEPA by unlawful use of inapplicable categorical exclusion and arbitrary conclusion that no extraordinary circumstances are present. Failure to make a rational determination that the proposed commercial salvage logging operations and green tree removal in LSRs is consistent with the NWFP and the Forest Plan. Failure to explain how the Slater Fire Safe Re-entry Project is consistent with the NWFP and the Forest Plan violates NFMA. Plaintiff intends to add a claim under ESA section 7 upon expiration of the 60-day notice period.
On 8/27/21 Court grants Joint Motion for Stay. Order signed approving settlement and stipulated dismissal 10/21/21.